Anthophora texana Cresson, 1872:282, ♀. Holotype ♀, Texas (Coll. G.W. Belfrage). - Cresson, 1879Cresson, E.T. 1879. Catalogue of North American Apidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 7:215-232. (distribution); Cockerell, 1905Cockerell, T.D.A. 1905. Bees collected by the Rev. G. Birkmann in Texas (Continued from page 267). The Canadian Entomologist 37 (9):334-335. (distribution); Cockerell, 1906Cockerell, T.D.A. 1906. The North American bees of the family Anthophoridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 32 (1):63-116. (distribution); Cockerell, 1906Cockerell, T.D.A. 1906. The bees of New Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 32:289-314. (distribution); Cockerell, 1919Cockerell, T.D.A. 1919. Bees in the collection of the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 55 (2264):167-221. (distribution); Lutz & Cockerell, 1920Lutz, F.E. & T.D.A. Cockerell 1920. Notes on the distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families, Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist 42 (15):491-641. (distribution); Cockerell, 1924Cockerell, T.D.A. 1924. Anthophorid bees in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 1 (2):49-56. (distribution); Cockerell, 1937Cockerell, T.D.A. 1937. Bees collected by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sperry and Mr. R. H. Andrews in Arizona. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 36 (3):107-110. (distribution); Cockerell, 1937Cockerell, T.D.A. 1937. Bees collected in Arizona and California in the spring of 1937. American Museum Novitates 948:1-15. (distribution); Ruíz-Cancino & Coronado-Blanco, 2002Ruíz-Cancino, E. & J.M. Coronado-Blanco 2002. Artrópodos terrestres de los estados de Tamaulipas y Nuevo León, México. Serie Publicaciones Cientificas No. 4:1-376. (distribution). - As Anthophora californica texana: - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209. (distribution). - As Podalirius texanus: - Dalla Torre, 1896Dalla Torre, C.G. 1896. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus, X. Apidae (Anthophila). Sumptibus Guilelmi Engelmann, 1-643. (distribution), 292 (comb. nov.).